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麻辣香鲜湿卤鸭脖Hot Spicy Duck Neck Marinated with Spices

麻辣香鲜湿卤鸭脖Hot Spicy Duck Neck Marinated with Spices

2019-08-16 10:29
制作楚湘风味鸭脖的经典配方,为十多种纯植物香料复配而成。用这上好的香料配上正确的卤制方法,鸭脖吃起来可谓是“微甜爽辣... ,唇齿留香,肉质紧致,丝丝入味”。It is classical formula for Boiled Duck Neck of hot spicy flavor, consisting of dozens of herbs and spices. With this fabulous formula and the right cooking method, you may enjoy the chewy meat brimming with flavor, a little sweet but shockingly hot spicy with full of fragrance left in mouth.
关东煮与麻辣烫---味噌风味与麻辣风味水煮串串Oden & Malatang

关东煮与麻辣烫---味噌风味与麻辣风味水煮串串Oden & Malatang

2019-08-16 10:30
白萝卜White Radish,胡萝卜Carrot,香菇Mushroom,鱼丸Fish Ball,鸭胗Duck Gizzard,香肠Sausage,干豆腐Dried Bean-curd... ,西兰花Broccoli,玉米Corn,鹌鹑蛋Quail Egg,金针菇Needle Mushroom,培根Bacon,鲜海带节Seaweed knot,黑毛肚Cattle Stomach,莲藕Lotus Root,青椒Green Pepper,黄椒Yellow Pepper,红椒Red Pepper,以及其他可串可烫的食材other food materials which be able to cluster and cook
麻辣香鲜湿卤鸭脖Hot Spicy Duck Neck Marinated with Spices

麻辣香鲜湿卤鸭脖Hot Spicy Duck Neck Marinated with Spices

2019-08-13 11:11
制作楚湘风味鸭脖的经典配方,为十多种纯植物香料复配而成。用这上好的香料配上正确的卤制方法,鸭脖吃起来可谓是“微甜爽辣... ,唇齿留香,肉质紧致,丝丝入味”。It is classical formula for Boiled Duck Neck of hot spicy flavor, consisting of dozens of herbs and spices. With this fabulous formula and the right cooking method, you may enjoy the chewy meat brimming with flavor, a little sweet but shockingly hot spicy with full of fragrance left in mouth.
关东煮与麻辣烫---味噌风味与麻辣风味水煮串串Oden & Malatang

关东煮与麻辣烫---味噌风味与麻辣风味水煮串串Oden & Malatang

2019-08-13 11:11
白萝卜White Radish,胡萝卜Carrot,香菇Mushroom,鱼丸Fish Ball,鸭胗Duck Gizzard,香肠Sausage,干豆腐Dried Bean-curd... ,西兰花Broccoli,玉米Corn,鹌鹑蛋Quail Egg,金针菇Needle Mushroom,培根Bacon,鲜海带节Seaweed knot,黑毛肚Cattle Stomach,莲藕Lotus Root,青椒Green Pepper,黄椒Yellow Pepper,红椒Red Pepper,以及其他可串可烫的食材other food materials which be able to cluster and cook